A Synopsis Of Martin Scorsese’s Movie ‘the Wolf Of Wall Street’

The Wolf of Wall Street tells the story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who became incredibly wealthy through shady and illegal practices on Wall Street. Despite several brushes with the law, Belfort managed to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle until he was eventually brought to justice.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 Film) is a movie that depicts Jordan Belfort’s story as a stockbroker who began his career in New York City back in 1987. Jordan Belmont was an adult. He is the son to two accountants who live near Bayside in Queens. At the age 22 he was a Wall Street broker. Teresa Petrillo was his spouse. Jordan Belmont is surprised at the way people talk and work. He was not as aggressive in his childhood and was not prone to using abusive words at work. Mark Hanna introduces Jordan Belfort to the pimp lifestyle of drugs and sex. Later, we learn that this is the culture and lifestyle stockbrokers live. Jordan Belfort is advised to by Mark Hanna that a stockbroker’s job is only to make money. Jordan’s Monday job was over. He then joined Boilerroom brokerage, which specializes only in penny stock. Jordan is challenged by Dwayne, the owner of Boiler Room brokerage firm, to sell Aerotyne Company. Jordan pitches win the hearts of employees and earns 50% commission. Jordan Belmont has a strong personality and is very energetic. This makes it easy for him to pitch his business. Jordan Belfort, along with his partners, co-founded a brokerage company called Stratton Oakmont. They later owned and operated a Wall Street fraudstery and corruption business. Stratton Oakmont employs the pump-and-dump method to defraud people. The company is successful and grows, making it a top-ranked magazine. Forbes writer Jordon is called’sleazy Robin Hood,’ due to his stock sales strategies. Stratton Oakmount has been growing steadily for several years before it was discovered by Patrick Denham, FBI Investigating Officer.

The film again shows Jordan’s personal view. He throws an apartment party with Nicholas (gay buddy), and Naomi complains that he lost a valuable. Nicholas is the suspect. We see Jordan as a corrupt man who uses money laundering to find the stolen items. Later, Naomi complains about lost valuables. Police arrive and arrest Nicholas. The couple had a baby girl named Skyler later on.

Jordan Belmont discovers he is on FBI radars and watches list and begins to launder money offshore to avoid taxman and thieves. Donnie, Jordan, Ruggart, and Ruggart leave for Switzerland in order to open a Swiss offshore bank account. The goal is to hide money from the authorities. Ruggart meets Jean Jacques Sorel, a French Swiss banker. To smuggle enough money to Switzerland, Jordan uses Naomi’s family. He also called Denham, an FBI agent, and tried to bribe him to end the investigation.

Jorden Benmont is The Wolf of Wall Street’s main criminal. He commits various crimes in money laundering, Bribes, stock-trading on security exchanges and does drugs (cocaine).


  • adamlewis

    Adam Lewis is a 34-year-old school teacher and blogger who focuses on education. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from the University of Central Florida and a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of South Florida. Lewis has been teaching since 2004 and has taught in both public and private schools. He is currently a teacher at a private Christian school in Florida.